Hepatitus A More Condition_symptoms What Does It Mean If You've Have The Hepatitus B Vaccine And U Get Tested And It Shows Hepatitus Antibodies?

What does it mean if you've have the hepatitus b vaccine and u get tested and it shows hepatitus antibodies? - hepatitus a more condition_symptoms

I recently went to the doctor and was tested for everything. I just wanted to safely do so, because there were no signs. I'm confused, because I tested hepaititus B, and if the results came back, said that he antibodies against them. Later I learned he had the vaccine a few years ago. I do not understand what that means? Do I have hepatitis? I have a blood test and no antibodies were presented. Please help.


pniccimi... said...

Antibodies to kill, what a virus or something similar. This simply means that your body has what it ensure that you do not get hepatitis B Make yourself takes no worries!

deann said...

Antibodies are what the body to kill the virus. This simply means that your body enough antibodies to the vaccine can not and do not suffer

SexyTroj... said...

Antibodies are your friend. The vaccine has worked.

SexyTroj... said...

Antibodies are your friend. The vaccine has worked.

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