Slutty Women On Msn How The Heck Do Spam Companies Create Fake Myspace Profiles? Do The Slutty Women Work For The Company Too?

How the heck do spam companies create fake myspace profiles? Do the slutty women work for the company too? - slutty women on msn

My region has just steps to stop the spam profiles. Basically, profiles, in order to win fakes horny women children's attention to advertising messages. I hate this world, as well as any other. But I'm curious how the hell are they doing in the situation. How are you spamming companies these images of women rely on the fake profile? Pay for women to use their images? ... These women are working for the company? I also see many of them fake profiles of many friends and reading reviews, it seems that these profiles are not fake ... where these women are real people who are true friends. List So if these profiles are fake, a friend and should also be provided, it would take several dozen people? This coursetake some time. How do the devil!? It is possible to spam companies actually use the real user profiles and use the user can pay to send spam. Who knows how to do this?


Pfo said...

Whimsy Julian has the right idea. This configuration is probably due to a small number of people, perhaps alone implemented. Ahold have to use pictures of these women and to attract people for what they sell. I like 9 of them for a week, probably a bot trawling myspace for people or friends through it and the results used trawls. Just send friend requests and progress.

julianwh... said...

It is actually quite simple ...

Sell models that use their images, so basically anything the customer wants for a certain sum of money ... then reuse easy.

Even easier - these businesses are cheeses million pictures of people on the Internet and tools over the network, which will be published in several places, without incident, then the use of images is known to be found yours by real people without them.

It is making one of the lowest forms of revenue, so you know, these guys Re sleazy!

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