Blood Disorders Among Hairdressers Why Do People In This Forum Not Know Sickle Cell Anemia Is A Serious Disease?

Why do people in this forum not know sickle cell anemia is a serious disease? - blood disorders among hairdressers

It is more common among people in Africa, where he is really a lifesaver, because the genes that carry the disease, malaria, human survival benefit.

That people do not understand that there is nothing racist about it, racial differences? It's like calling someone racist because they point out that whites tend to be pink or pale skin color.

From Wikipedia:

Sickle cell anemia or sickle cell anemia (or anemia) is a disease characterized by blood, red blood cells that an unusually high level, form, supporting rigid sickle. Sickle cell anemia reduces the flexibility of the cells and the results limited in their movement in blood vessels, depriving downstream tissues of oxygen. The disease is chronic and permanent individuals are usually good, but her life is marked by recurrent attacks of pain and risk of various complications. Life expectancy is shorter, with studies reporting increases in average life expectancy of 42 and 48 years for men and women, respectively [1].

Sickle cell anemia occursmore common in people (or their descendants) from parts of Africa where malaria is or was common, but also occurs in people of other ethnicities. After all, who have one or two alleles for sickle cell anemia are resistant to malaria since the sickle red blood cells are not conducive to parasites - in areas where malaria is endemic, there is survival value in carrying genes for sickle cell anemia.


andmore6... said...

... And what has this got to do with the elections? I have not heard anyone raving about this with Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice, to name a few?

Cop said...

I know that you referred to these idiots who are always asked if Obama had sickle cell anemia.

Man does not live to read this information because it was fun for him.

The wicked can not be stopped through education. Sorry, but thanks for trying.

ajfreder... said...

I answered your last question regarding Obama's medical records, and this is still nothing to do with the elections, even if you have a wikipedia "source".

paulbyr said...

Your question is flawed because people know in this forum. Probably has leaned on him and nobody else.

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